Soon…Our Salvation is a six-part ontological epic created in its own universe of recursive context. The piece inspired by the UFO mythos combines oblique references to sci-fi and home movies with scavenged source material. The work’s low-fi, low-tech aesthetic pushes the grain and grit of the source material overloading the pixels and juicing up the distortion. Editing technology provides the capability to color outside of the lines and treat the video like construction paper cut with blunt scissors, collaged with mucilage, and bespangled with sequins for added pizzazz.
As the work progressed to its six-part form, the intertwined elements of sex, religion, and war became an integral subject of the lens focused on this most human of desires-the desire for meaning. Source footage is gleaned from the sum of ten years of video surveillance of our world. Small town parades, a bird’s eye view of the constructed world, natural phenomena, television evangelists, mountaintop removal mining in the Appalachians; these are some of the sources from which this work was built. The scenes of mountaintop removal coal mining at Kayford Mt., West Virginia are particularly emblematic of the human condition for me. Mountains have been held as sacred places to many peoples and religions throughout time. Moses and Mohammed went to the mountaintop to speak to god, yet we tear our mountains down for coal to feed the ravenous god of consumption. These paradoxical acts reside at the core of humanness.
We are searching for salvation
…from ourselves.